Family Law

Family Law

The breakdown of a marriage or spousal relationship can be stressful, emotionally draining and financially difficult. Our firm customizes its approach to individual legal situations to ensure that the services required meet the needs that arise from individual circumstances.

The prospect of obtaining legal advice to handle personal and sensitive matters with regards to one’s family can be daunting. At PLLR, we treat family law clients with respect and consideration of the emotional toll they may be experiencing.

Prenuptial, Cohabitation and Marriage Agreements

To provide certainty and allow for predictable financial planning, our lawyers prepare legal agreements dealing with the financial arrangements to be made upon a relationship breakdown. We also provide independent legal advice relating to these agreements.

Separation and Divorce

Our divorce lawyers assist clients in navigating the complex processes associated with identifying and addressing the matters that arise as a result of a separation between spouses including:

  • Parenting: We represent clients in parenting disputes including matters of guardianship, decision-making, and development of an appropriate parenting schedule.
  • Child and spousal support: We can assist in determination of financial support, including income determination and imputation, base child support, special and extraordinary expenses and spousal support.
  • Asset division: We can also provide advice in determining what assets exist and may be subject to division, dealing with assets in other jurisdictions, tracing of excluded property and working with experts to value and divide complex property such as real estate, corporate assets and pensions.

Separation Agreements

A proper separation agreement is essential to ensure that the settlements reached between former spouses are fair, coherent and legally enforceable. We provide drafting services to properly document legal arrangements made after separation.

Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative law is an alternative to litigation in which separating or divorcing spouses work together with lawyers who are certified in collaborative family law. Both parties commit to a private and respectful process in which they are required to be forthcoming about all relevant information. Lawyers involved in a collaborative proceeding certify that they will not initiate a court proceeding. Individuals engaged in this process often engage other certified professionals, including parenting coaches, child specialists and neutral financial experts.


PLLR’s Bob Mostar is an accredited family law mediator with more than three decades of legal experience. Other members of our legal team are also experienced in engaging mediators and preparing and attending mediations in order to resolve family law disputes for their clients. Read more about our mediation expertise here.


In the event that an out-of-court resolution is not feasible, our lawyers represent our clients with determination, compassion and a clear focus on the best result.

Knowledgeable Family Law Counsel

Bob Mostar is an accredited family law mediator with more than three decades of legal experience. Mr. Mostar and Natasha Ahluwalia are the primary members of our family law team in Richmond. To learn more about our legal counsel, please visit our lawyers page.

If you are formalizing a relationship or seeking to dissolve one, contact the family lawyers to schedule a consultation. Call 604-276-2765. You can also contact the firm online.

Services for Family Law

Collaborative Family Law
When couples choose to end their relationship, they may wish to do so with a minimum of conflict, in particular when children are [...]

Lawyers In This Area

Our family law legal counsel are:


Robert W. Mostar

  • Family Law
  • Personal Injury Tort Litigation
  • Civil Litigation
View Profile →

Angie Sung

  • Litigation
  • Employment Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Family Law
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Contact us for a consultation.

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